Friday, October 27, 2006

Chemo sucks

Yesterday was day one. I went in yesterday morning and the first thing they did was put in the port. I was very nervous about that procedure, but it turned out easier than I thought. Of course I was VERY drugged up and that was ok with me :)
Then began chemo, initially I felt ok. Before they stared I received some anti nausea medication.
When my second drug began I noticed a burning in my eyes and nose which was predicted. My roommate in the room was eating and the smell became overwhelming.
We got the girls and came home and I slept for a while but awakened to some nasty nausea. That went off and on for about 3 hours. I called the consulting nurse and was advised to take more medication. That helped and I slept through the night.
I would have to say that if felt like I was hit by a bus!! Our friends Jason and Amy are staying with us until they move into their new house in a couple of weeks. They are a saving grace as are all our friends. When they came home last night they brought me a "first day of chemo" gift. It was they cutest hat that Amy and I had been looking at on GREAT website btw. Well of course I burst into tears, as I do over everything these days.
So today I fell a bit better. The girls have been playing at friends all day. I have been resting and I watched "The Family Stone," and I HIGHLY recommend it. It's centered around Christmas, so it seems fitting for this time of year.
I can't bath for 4 days with this new port. I look like hell, smell ok, and feel tolerable. I ate an apple today and a chai tea. Food doesn't interest me right now. I crave nothing. I think about eating and have to consider, what would I want to throw up. Gross but too true.
I hope to keep the nausea at bay. I can handle tired but not nausea. At times I take it minute by minute, sometimes hour by hour and the hours turns into days.
That's all I can do right now.

Peace Out

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