Tuesday, October 24, 2006

I Don't like the Drugs but the Drugs Like Me

Today is my last drug free day. Perhaps for the rest of my life, and if not for life, then at least for a VERY long time. To me, this sucks.
Chemotherapy does a whack job on your body. It can harm your heart, your nervous system, or even put me body into menapause. But like I have said before, I will do whatever it takes to see my girls grow up, go to college, find partners, and here's the BIGGY for me, see my grandchildren.
Here's something to ponder...
When a woman gives birth to a female child, they have essentially given birth to their grandchildren. Female children are born with every egg they will have for their lifetime. My grandchildren currently reside in my little firecrackers, and that amazes me. It's absolutely wonderous.
I always get sidetracked...
I don't want to be chemically dependant but I must.
Still, the show must go on today as always. Elliot has ballet. We need to work on her bunny costume some more. I have 4 loads of laundry to do before tomorrow and who knows when it will get done after that. Ugh
Tomorrow is a big day and I think it will be long. Chemo first and then they put in the port which I will have for about 18 months.
So I say adios to the old me. I will come out on the flip side healthy, bald, and ready to rumble.

Peace Out

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Drugs can be scary but if it means keeping you around I guess you have to take them huh? Who knows, Maybe you will get X-ray vision or some crazy super powers.....Good Luck tomorrow!