Wednesday, February 24, 2010

From the Top to the Bottom

Yesterday was a relaxing and interesting day.
I did find a hotel and I can tell you right now, I will not be staying there again tonight!
The top
After my massage and pedi, I went to a street cafe and took my kindle, had a beer and watched people. I saw a couple have a spat, which is highly frowned upon here in Thailand. Any outburst of anger is not accepted, so it was quite a spectacle. After that a woman approached me and was asking me about my kindle. She was from France and spoke broken English. She was very nice and we decided we would meet for dinner. I went and took and nap :) and we met later in the evening. As we were having dinner a man sat down beside me with a bag of grub worms for a snack. He kindly offered me one, I kindly declined.
The dinner started out with us two ladies and expanded to 7 quickly. We all decided it would be easier to call each other by our country rather than our given names and we soon became the United Nations of the Streets of Bangkok.

France and I said our goodbyes after eating and left the other counties to figure out the world.
As we walked back to our hotels I saw a woman and her son, maybe four, lying in the gutter asleep. In the gutter, in the street, beside the wheel of a parked car. On a towel. Oblivious to the cars, stench, trash, noise, and passers by. She had is hand on his arm as if to protect him. From what? I have no idea...

That was the bottom of my day

Peace Out


Anonymous said...

Hey there, I just wanted to say that I'm loving your blog. I'll definitely be following.

Check out mine, I think you'd especially love it!

Purple Cow said...

I'm surprised you saw just one homeless person in a gutter...thought there would be more...

Mark Rushing said...
