Friday, April 15, 2011

Day 16

I love to travel!!!!
I was reminded today how much I love it.
I took a ferry this morning over to a saweet island here in the Seattle area. As I waited in the terminal I sat and people watched.
One of the things I love most about travel is going in the same direction as a group. No one knows each other. Maybe a family here and there but for the most part traveling is silent. Especially when I travel alone. When I travel by myself, I can make the choice if I connect with others. I am not a shy or quiet person, but sometimes to be able to sit very still with my own thoughts, yet still be around others, is awesome to me.
Traveling gives me a sense of how we are all connected.
Very soon I am going to Cabo. In early 2012 I am going to Thailand again. But to be honest, today gave me tons of satisfaction and will hold me over until I am Mexico bound. If I get itchy feet before Thailand, I think I will just jump on a ferry and feed my need for adventure.

Peace Out

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