Friday, April 01, 2011

Day 3

Last night my family and I were playing Life....the board game.
It was so nice to hop around the board to such pleasant outcomes. The worst thing that could happen was you might have some debt.
This morning I was thinking about it. The game of life is nothing like, Life the game. The game board says nothing about real life.
You don't land on-Your spouse cheated, go straight to therapy. You don't land on-You lost your job due to economy, go to the unemployment line. You don't land on-You have cancer, go straight to chemo. You don't land on-Your child has a learning disability, pay thousands and thousands of dollars to figure it out. You don't land on- A family member has an addiction, go to rehab.
When when land on Get Married, the board doesn't say, sorry you have no one to marry.
I don't think I want to play that game again. My real life seems game enough thank you!

Peace Out

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